Classy Tails Blog
How Classy Tails was Created
I remember this moment
Like it was only yesterday
I was a new mum on maternity leave feeding our newborn son at 2 am.
I sat there wondering what l could do to help Zeus, our Rottweiler with his slow paced walking.
Zeus was 10 years old and started to show signs of ageing. He couldn’t walk as far or as fast as he used to. We would either cut our walks short or leave him behind to hear him cry as we walked into the distance.
I started searching online for dog wheel chairs. There were literally none.
The very next day l asked my husband what he thought about making pet wheel chairs (alias pet strollers). With kindness, he said that it was a stupid idea and no one would buy them.
I then asked my brother who essentially said the same thing.
I proceeded to ask my father and to no surprise, he also said the same thing!
At the time l was 29 years of age and extremely driven – so instead of being disheartened with their lack of belief, l thought – bugger you all, I’m giving this a shot.

I started designing pet strollers
I started designing pet strollers – essentially a box with wheels – with similar features to a baby stroller.
I found a manufacturer that was willing to produce a sample quantity.
When they arrived we laughed at how big and blue they were.
Zeus became my tester. At the start he was confused wondering what on earth was going on! Once he knew we were walking with him, he eased into it.
I will never forget the look on people’s faces when they saw me – a skinny girl – pushing a fully grown Rottweiler in a pram. The looks we received were priceless! Some people would laugh, others would point and whisper and then there were others intrigued and curious.
Within a week, we were sold out
To be honest, I couldn’t care less what people thought. All we cared about was getting Zeus out and about.
Zeus would get excited every time he knew we were going for ‘walkies’ in his stroller.
Our outings became a combination of walking, resting (in the stroller) and sniffing at the park. When we would notice Zeus slowing down we would push him in the stroller. He would also let us know when he wanted to walk.
Our walks became longer and with the pet stroller / trailer, Zeus experienced new things as a senior. He was like a puppy again acting all hyper and happy.
We advertised the pet strollers / trailer and within a week, we were sold out. I could not stop laughing when l told my husband, brother and dad!

Who’s laughing now guys?
So if you have a business idea, don’t let the opinions of others stop you from doing what’s in your heart.
I won Awards for Classy Tails and was Shortlisted for the Telstra Women’s Business Award – so follow your dreams.
Over the years we have continually improved the quality and design of our product range and introduced other high quality innovative products.
We thank you for all your love and support and hope you have the opportunity to experience what we have with Zeus.