Returns & Exchanges
Classy Tails® strives to ensure our customers are 100% satisfied and offer a money back guarantee.
If for any reason you wish to return a product we are happy to do so.
We ask that you notify us and return the item within 7 days of receipt in its original condition.
If the item is not returned in its original condition, we do reserve the right not to provide a refund.
Freight charges ‘to’ and ‘from’ are at the expense of the purchaser.
At any stage should you require assistance with selecting the right product for your pet, we are more than happy to assist in making the right decision.
We encourage customers to get familiar with the inner carrier measurements to ensure the right product is selected for their pet/s.
The carrier weight capacity does not necessarily mean it will be suitable for all dogs within that carrier weight capacity.
The stroller may carry your pet’s weight, however your pet may not fit inside the pet stroller comfortably.
Pet stroller zippers and wheels have a warranty period of 3 months from purchase date.
Frame – 1 year from purchase date.
We hold and sell spare parts such as wheels, frame, material. Please get in touch if you need any spare parts.
Rest assured we are here for the long haul.
Freight charges to and from are not included – this is an additional costs.