Classy Tails Blog
The Purpose of a Pet Stroller
Here’s a few reasons why
Why people buy a pet stroller/trailer.
We prefer to talk to people and answer as many questions to reassure them they are obtaining the best product for themselves and their pet/s. During the call we always provide tips on how to compare to the market e.g. wheels, fabric, zippers etc.

Most customers that purchase a pet stroller fall under one of these categories:
1. Health Issues
- Aged pet
- Physical injuries
- Anxiety / stress management – either pet or owner
- Owner has physical issues (e.g. back pain worsens from pet carrier bags)
- Amputated limbs
- Recovering from surgery
2. Pet/s cannot walk as fast or as far as the owner/s
- Long distance walks / runs / cycling
3. Adventurous lifestyle
- Bike trailer
- Rough terrain surfaces
- Events or large gatherings to protect the pet from being stomped on.
4. Puppy management
- Socialisation with safety
- Protection from lack of vaccinations
- Transportation for foster puppies / kittens
5. Owner does not have a vehicle
- Ability to walk to the vet
- Keep the pet confined while using public transportation
- Apartment living
Over the years, we remember some amazing stories which we have shared some below:
- Pets who have had surgery can be wheeled around the house and have their owner care for them with ease.
- One dog fell from a 10 storey building and broke his back. The owners used the pet stroller to transport him to the vet and up and down the stairs without wheels (crate). Eventually they used it as a pet stroller to allow him to maintain an active lifestyle while he healed.
- Amputee dogs – particularly three legged dogs – they get tired easily and hop into the pet stroller while they continue long walks.
- Fearful cats going to the vet are transported safely without the owner having to carry a heavy cage or weary of dogs.
- Pet owners generally have a younger and older pet combination. The owners place their older pet in the stroller and continue walking with the younger pet.
- Anxious owners take their pets everywhere with them and ease their mental health issues.
- The spoilt pet that is part of the family and travels Australia. Hearing such stories ignites the passion to continue what we do, thank you!